Extract key information from research papers with our AI summarizer.

Get a snapshot of what matters – fast.
Break down complex concepts into easy-to-read sections.
Skim or dive deep with a clean reading experience.

Summarize, analyze, and organize your research in one place.

Features built for scholars like you, trusted by researchers and students around the world.

Any format

Summarize papers, PDFs, book chapters, online articles and more.

Easy import

Drag and drop files, enter the url of a page, paste a block of text, or use our browser extension.

Enhanced summary

Change the summary to suit your reading style. Choose from a bulleted list, one-liner and more.


Read the key points of a paper in seconds with confidence that everything you read comes from the original text.

Clean reading

Clutter free flashcards help you skim or diver deeper into the details and quickly jump between sections.


Highlighted key terms and findings. Let evidence-based statements guide you through the full text with confidence.

Summarize texts in any format

Summarize PDFs Summarize
Book Chapters Summarize
Online Articles Summarize
Research Papers Summarize
Plain Text Summarize
YouTube videos

Scholarcy’s AI summarization tool is designed to generate accurate, reliable article summaries.

Our summarizer tool is trained to identify key terms, claims, and findings in academic papers. These insights are turned into digestible Summary Flashcards.

Scroll in the box below to see the magic

The knowledge extraction and summarization methods we use focus on accuracy. This ensures what you read is factually correct, and can always be traced back to the original source.

What students say

It would normally take me 15mins – 1 hour to skim read the article but with Scholarcy I can do that in 5 minutes.

Masters student

Scholarcy makes my life easier because it pulls out important information in the summary flashcard.

Victoria Stanham Researcher

Scholarcy is clear and easy to navigate. It helps speed up the process of reading and understating papers.

Sanya Sharma Biomed Sciences undergrad

Join over 400,000 people already saving time.

From A to Z with Scholarcy


Generate Flashcard Summaries.
Discover more Aha! moments.
Get to point quicker.

Understand complex research.
Jump between key concepts and sections.
Highlight text. Take notes.

Build a library of knowledge.
Recall important info with ease.
Organize, search, sort, edit.

Bring it all together.
Export Flashcards in a range of formats.
Transfer Flashcards into other apps.

Apply what you’ve learned.
Compile your highlights, notes, references.
Write that magnum opus 🤌

Go beyond summaries

Get unlimited summaries, advanced research and analysis features, and your own personalised collection with Scholarcy Library!

Unlimited summaries Searchable library Advanced features

With Scholarcy Library you can import unlimited documents and generate summaries for all your course materials or collection of research papers.

Scholarcy Library offers additional features including access to millions of academic research papers, customizable summaries, direct import from Zotero and more.

Scholarcy lets you build and organise your summaries into a handy library that you can access from anywhere. Export from a range of options, including one-click bibliographies and even a literature matrix.

Compare plans

Summarize 3 articles a day with our free summarizer tool, or upgrade to Scholarcy Library to generate and save unlimited article summaries.