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How to prepare for entrance exam?

Candidates are offered a place at the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, based on their results in our entrance examination. The entrance examination is compulsory for all applicants. It consists of a written multiple-choice test from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (equally weighted) and MMI (multiple-mini-interviews) for those who successfully pass the written part.

All parts of the entrance examination are in English and supervised by faculty members.

To have a reasonable chance of success (on average, we admit about 10% of all the applicants), it is strongly advised that the candidate studied the disciplines from which the written test is made for at least 2 of the final 4 years at the high school. Our applicants have a very diverse curriculum; however, the one most similar in scope and depth to the requirements for the entrance exam is the British A-level system.

To check how your curriculum matches our list of topics, please check the contents page for each discipline:

You may look at one of the sample tests here (do not look at the last page until you have answered all the questions).

The written test (for the entrance examination for the academic year 2024/2025) has 75 questions in total (25 questions for each section - Biology, Chemistry, Physics). The test is structured as a single-best answer (only one option is correct).

Are you looking for more sample questions? Here are some more retired sample questions to show you roughly the scope and difficulty level:

With a one-shot type of exam, in addition to the best possible preparation, it is important to be in a state of maximum calmness of mind for the best performance. Some of you might have taken customized preparatory courses, which are not a bad way to get motivated and pick up some tips on how to do best with what you know.

Examples of recommended textbooks for preparation:


Schaum's Outline of College Physics, Twelfth Edition (Schaum's Outlines) Paperback – 4 Nov 2016, ISBN-13: 978-1259587399


Basic - Advanced Biology For You (Advanced for You), by Gareth Williams; ISBN-13: 978-1408527351

Comprehensive: Campbell Biology, 11th edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134093413


Chemistry in Context for Cambridge International AS & A Level (Cie a Level) Paperback – 30 Mar 2017, ISBN-13: 978-0198396185

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